Wheeling power

Use renewable energy to power your business from an offsite utility-scale solar farm via the existing grid infrastructure.


Offsite solar energy solution

Wheeling refers to the action whereby electricity is transferred from its generated source through the power network to be consumed in another location.

With electricity tariffs that are up to 50% cheaper than your existing grid costs, your business can reach its sustainability goals with a solution that requires zero capital investment.

Utility scale solar system in a flat desert


Purchase cheaper, cleaner energy

Most often, the areas where the sun is the most powerful and solar PV generates the highest yield, are not the same areas where power is required the most.

Large scale solar system with a city and skyscrapers in the background. The sun is peaking through the city.

The wheeling of power enables businesses to use cheaper, cleaner energy to power their operations without having to deploy a renewable energy solution on their premises. Your business can benefit from reduced electricity tariffs by up to 50% and increased savings due to higher solar penetration.

Our wheeling solution is based on a virtual Power Purchase Agreement that provides flexible tenures to suit your business’s individual requirements. Businesses with limited space and multiple sites can benefit from wheeled power as the solution is not tied to one specific area. Wheeling tariffs are charged and levied by Eskom and the municipalities, and vary based on location, connection size (kV) and existing tariff structure.



No capex investment

Requires zero capital investment

Cheaper electricity rates

Pay up to 50% less for electricity compared to current grid tariffs

Achieve sustainability goals

Reduce your carbon emissions and reach your green energy targets

Eliminates spacing constraints

No onsite system required

Higher penetration

Time of Use credits system allows for higher penetration

Variety of power demands

Suited to a variety of customers from medium to large scale power users

Management & reporting

Get access to a smart energy platform with performance monitoring, reporting, contract management and monthly reconciliations


Contact us

Get in touch with our solar experts today and let’s green your business together.

Man wearing a hard hat who is working on solar panels